I research and teach in the intersection of the topics "Data Privacy", "IT Security", "Machine Learning" and
"Big Data". Since April 1st. 2022, I am head of the "Data Privacy and Security" group at the University of
My approach to this topics is unique so far: I strive to teach a very broad range of technical knowledge,
that can be used to assess and to solve data privacy and data security problems in cloud architectures and
cloud applications, specifically with regard to machine learning. In particular, i am interested in a
vertical approach that addresses data protection and IT security from compliance issues and business
processes to architectural questions, algorithms and data management.
Curriculum Vitae
Erik Buchmann received his PhD in the research area of collaborative peer-to-peer data structures from the
Technical University of Magdeburg, Germany, in 2006. From 2007 to 2015, he was head of the young researcher
group "Privacy Awareness in Information Systems" at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He was a visiting
lecturer at Technical University of Kaiserslautern, and a substitute professor and visiting researcher at
Technical University of Saarbrücken. Since 2016, Erik Buchmann has been a full professor at Hochschule
für Telekommunikation Leipzig, responsible for the group "Data Privacy and Security in Information Systems". In the same
year, he completed his habilitation at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Since April 2022, Erik Buchmann
is head of the group for data privacy and security at the University of Leipzig.
Research Profile
Privacy and security issues in the Internet of Things, i.e., on highly distributed systems with complex
system architectures, that send erroneous, incomplete, location- and context-sensitive, personal sensor data to
cloud platforms for further processing via big-data machine learning approaches.
118 publications in total, 96 of them peer-reviewed, some of them in conferences like KDD, VLDB, SIGMOD or
Data privacy and security with regard to machine learning, storage, compliance, >100 bachelor's and masters
theses supervised
In the PC of many conference-, workshop- and journal-series, co-organizer of 5 workshops, in the board of
directors of a GI working group, guest- and co-editor of several journals, steering comittee member of the AISyS, IARIA Fellow
118 publications in total, 96 of them peer-reviewed
HOFFMANN, Mario; BUCHMANN, Erik. ChatSEC: Spicing up Vulnerability Scans with AI for Heterogeneous University IT - Towards Enhancing Security Vulnerability Reports for Non-Experts.
(To Appear) In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AI-based Systems and Services (AISyS'24), 2024
Assessing Privacy Policies with AI: Ethical, Legal, and Technical Challenges.
(To Appear) In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AI-based Systems and Services (AISyS'24), 2024
HANNEMANN, Anika; EWALD, Jan, SEEGER, Leo; BUCHMANN, Erik. Federated Learning on Transcriptomic Data: Model Quality and Performance Trade-Offs.
(To Appear) In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'24), 2024
HANNEMANN, Anika; FRIEDL, Benjamin; BUCHMANN, Erik. Differentially Private Multi-label Learning Is Harder Than You'd Think.
(To Appear) In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), 2024
FREIBERGER, Vincent; BUCHMANN, Erik. Fairness Certification for Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models.
(To Appear) In: Proceedings of the 10th Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys'24), 2024
BARTELT, Bianca; BUCHMANN, Erik. Transparency in Privacy Policies.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments (WEB'24), 2024
JÜTTNER, Victor; GRIMMER, Martin; BUCHMANN, Erik. ChatIDS: Explainable Cybersecurity Using Generative AI.
In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE'23), 2023
HANNEMANN, Anika; ÜNAL, Ali B.; SWAMINATHAN, Arjhun; BUCHMANN, Erik; AKGÜN, Mete. A Privacy-Preserving Framework for Collaborative Machine Learning with Kernel Methods.
In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications (TPS-ISA'23), 2023
HANNEMANN, Anika; BUCHMANN, Erik. Is Homomorphic Encryption Feasible for Smart Mobility?
In: Proceedings of the 18th Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS'23), 2023
JÜTTNER, Victor; BUCHMANN, Erik. Die Entwicklung eines digitalen Praktikums der Cybersicherheit im Bereich "Smart Home". In:
Tagungsband der 21. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der GI Fachgruppe Bildungstechnologien (DELFI 2023), 2023
BUCHMANN, Erik; THOR, Andreas. Online Exams in the Era of ChatGPT. In:
Tagungsband der 21. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der GI Fachgruppe Bildungstechnologien (DELFI 2023), 2023
BUCHMANN, Erik. Long-Term Risks of IoT Devices: The Case of the Smart Fridge. In: Proceedings of the
17th Conference on Digital Society (ICDS'23), 2023
HAAR, Christoph; BUCHMANN, Erik. IoT Security With INFINITE: The 3-Dimensional Internet Of Things Maturity Model. In: Proceedings of the
9th IEEE Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS'22), 2022
HAAR, Christoph; BUCHMANN, Erik. IoT Security: A Basic IoT Hardware Security Framework. In: Proceedings of the
7th International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communications and Services (ACCSE'22), 2022
BUCHMANN, Erik; HAUSER, Serda: Text Mining for Standardized Quality Criteria of Natural-Language
IT-Requirements. In: Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
(RE'21), 2021
HAAR, Christoph; BUCHMANN, Erik. IT-Security Compliance for Home Offices. In: Proceedings of the
15th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
(SECURWARE'21), 2021
HAAR, Christoph; BUCHMANN, Erik: Securing Orchestrated Containers with BSI Module SYS.1.6. In:
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
(ICISSP'21), 2021
HAAR, Christoph; BUCHMANN, Erik: Securing Smart Homes using Intrusion Detection Systems. In:
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and
Technologies (SECURWARE'20), 2020
HARTMANN, Andreas; BUCHMANN, Erik: Identifying Long-Term Risks of the Internet of Things. In: 14th
International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
(UBICOMM'20), 2020
ROBAK, Marcin; BUCHMANN, Erik: How to Extract Workflow Privacy Patterns from Legal Documents. In:
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for Management (AITM'19),
HAAR, Christoph; BUCHMANN, Erik: Fane: A Firewall Appliance For The Smart Home. In: Proceedings of
the 14th Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS'19), 2019
ROBAK, Marcin; BUCHMANN, Erik: Deriving Workflow Privacy Patterns from Legal Documents. In:
Proceedings of the 14th Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
(FedCSIS'19), 2019
HAAR, Christoph; BUCHMANN, Erik: IT-Grundschutz für die Container-Virtualisierung mit dem neuen
BSI-Baustein SYS 1.6. In: GI Informatik 2019, 2019
BUCHMANN, Erik; PLATE, Franziska: Ende-zu-Ende-Sicherheit für die multimodale Mobilität in
einer Smart City. In: GI Informatik 2019, 2019
BUCHMANN, Erik; HARTMANN, Andreas; BAUER, Stephanie: Informationssicherheitskonzept nach IT-Grundschutz
für Containervirtualisierung in der Cloud. In: GI Sicherheit 2018, 2018
Winkler, Katrin; BUCHMANN, Erik: Dummy-Based Anonymization for Voice-Controlled IoT Devices. In:
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and
Technologies (UBICOMM'18), 2018
JANSSEN, Alexandra; PLATE, Franziska; SCHNEIDER, Dominik; BUCHMANN, Erik; ANKE, Jürgen:
Entwicklung eines Beschreibungsschemas für Workflow Privacy Patterns. In: Multikonferenz
Wirtschftsinformatik (MkWI'18), 2018
BUCHMANN, Erik; WAGNER, Jens: SEAM: Swarm Algorithms for Energy Allocation in Microgrids. In:
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware
Technologies (ENERGY'17), 2017
LOREY, Karl; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: TEAL: Transparent Encryption for the Database
Abstraction Layer. In: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Advanced Information System
Engineering (CAiSE Forum'16), 2016
LAFORET, Fabian; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Towards provable privacy guarantees using
rechargeable energy-storage devices. In: Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Future
Energy Systems (e-Energy'07), 2016
EFROS, Pavel; BUCHMANN, Erik; ENGELHARDT, Adrian; BÖHM, Klemens: How to Quantify the Impact of
Lossy Transformations on Change Detection. In: Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Scientific and
Statistical Database Management (SSDBM’15), 2015
KESSLER, Stephan; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Deploying and Evaluating Pufferfish Privacy for
Smart Meter Data. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing
(UIC’15), 2015
EFROS, Pavel; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: FRESCO: A Framework for the Energy Estimation of
Computers. In: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI’14), 2014
HEIDINGER, Clemens; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; RICHTER, Kai: FACTS: A Framework for Anonymity
towards Comparability, Transparency, and Sharing. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference
on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’14), 2014
BUCHMANN, Erik; KESSLER, Stephan; JOCHEM, Patrick; BÖHM, Klemens: The Costs of Privacy in Local
Energy Markets. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI’13),
BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: How Much do Digital Natives Disclose on the Internet - A Privacy
Study. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics
(SOTICS’12), 2012
BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; KÜHLING, Jürgen; BOHNEN, Simon;
SIVRIDIS, Anastasios: Tackling Compliance Deficits of Data-Protection Law with User Collaboration. In:
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing
(CEC’10), 2010
HEIDINGER, Clemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; HUBER, Matthias; BÖHM, Klemens; MÜLLER-QUADE, Jörn:
Privacy-Aware Folksonomies. In: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Research and Advanced
Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL’10), 2010
BESTEHORN, Markus; BÖHM, Klemens; BRADLEY, Patrick; BUCHMANN, Erik: Deriving Spatio-Temporal Query
Results in Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Scientific and
Statistical Database Management (SSDM’10), 2010
BESTEHORN, Markus; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; KESSLER, Stephan: Energy-Efficient Processing of
Spatio-Temporal Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 18th International
Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL’10), 2010
CHAVES, Leonardo Weiss F.; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: RPCV: RFID Planogram Compliance
Verification. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Extending Database Technologies
(EDBT’10), 2010
STERN, Mirco; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik: Processing Continuous Join Queries in Sensor
Networks: a Filtering Approach. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Management of
Data (SIGMOD’10), 2010
BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; MÜLLER, Jens; BÖHM, Klemens: Understanding User
Preferences and Awareness: Privacy Mechanisms in Location-Based Services. In: Proceedings of the 17th
International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS’09), 2009
HEIDINGER, Clemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Towards Collaborative Web-based Impact
Assessment. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital Government Research
(dg.o’09), 2009
Anastasios: A Study on the Lack of Enforcement of Data Protection Acts. In: Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on e-Democracy, 2009
STERN, Mirco; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: A Wavelet Transform for Efficient Consolidation of
Sensor Relations with Quality Guarantees. In: Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Very
Large Data Bases (VLDB’09), 2009
CHAVES, Leonardo Weiss F.; BUCHMANN, Erik; HÜSKE, Fabian; BÖHM, Klemens: Towards Materialized
View Selection for Distributed Databases. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Extending
Database Technologies (EDBT’09), 2009
STERN, Mirco; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Towards Efficient Processing of General-Purpose Joins
in Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering
(ICDE’09), 2009
BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; CLIFTON, Chris: Collaborative Search And User
Privacy: How Can They Be Reconciled? In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom’08), 2008
BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Discovering the Scope of Privacy Needs in
Collaborative Search. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
(WI’08), 2008
CHAVES, Leonardo Weiss F.; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: TagMark: Reliable Estimations of RFID
Tags for Business Processes. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining (KDD’08), 2008
BENENSON, Zinaida; BESTEHORN, Markus; BUCHMANN, Erik; FREILING, Felix; JAWUREK, Marek: Query
Dissemination with Predictable Reachability and Energy Usage in Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the
7th International Conference on AD-HOC Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW’08), 2008
HÖPFNER, Hagen; BUCHMANN, Erik: Towards Reducing the Complexity of Query Trees. In: Proceedings
of the 3rd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT’08), 2008
BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; RAABE, Oliver: Privacy2.0: Towards Collaborative Data-Privacy
Protection. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Joint iTrust and PST Conferences on Privacy, Trust Management and
Security (IFIPTM’08), 2008
BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; WETH, Christan von d.: Towards Truthful Feedback in P2P Data
Structures. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems
(CoopIS’06), 2006
BUCHMANN, Erik; APEL, Sven: Piggyback Meta-Data Propagation in Distributed Hash Tables. In:
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(WEBIST’05), 2005
REIDEMEISTER, Thomas; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; WARD, Paul: Malicious Behaviour in
Content-Addressable Peer-to-Peer Networks. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Communication
Networks and Services Research (CNSR’05), 2005
RÖSCH, Philipp; WETH, Christan von d.; SATTLER, Kai-Uwe; BUCHMANN, Erik: Verteilte
Anfrageverarbeitung in DHT-basierten P2P-Systemen. In: Tagungsband der 12. GI-Fachtagung für
Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW’05), 2005
BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: How to Run Experiments with Large Peer-to-Peer Data Structures. In:
Proceedings of the 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS’04), 2004
BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: FairNet - How to Counter Free Riding in Peer-to-Peer Data
Structures. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems
(CoopIS’04), 2004
BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Effizientes Routing in verteilten skalierbaren Datenstrukturen. In:
Tagungsband der 10. GI-Fachtagung für Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web
(BTW’03), 2003
BUCHMANN, Erik; HÖPFNER, Hagen; SATTLER, Kai-Uwe: An Extensible Storage Manager for Mobile DBMS.
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Baltic Conference on DB and IS (BalticDB&IS’02),
) Best Paper Awards
JÜTTNER, Victor; FLEIG, Arthur; BUCHMANN, Erik. ChatAnalysis: Can GPT-4 Undermine Privacy in Smart Homes with Data Analysis?
(To Appear) In: Proceedings of the 11th Workshop ``Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in sicherheitskritischen Systemen'' - Mensch und Computer (MuC'24), 2024
HOFFMANN, Mario; BUCHMANN, Erik. ChatSEC - Towards Enhancing Security Vulnerability Reports for Non-Experts.
(To Appear) In: Proceedings of the 11th Workshop ``Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in sicherheitskritischen Systemen'' - Mensch und Computer (MuC'24), 2024
FREIBERGER, Vincent; BUCHMANN, Erik. Fair Balancing? Evaluating LLM-based Privacy Policy Ethics Assessments.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF'24), 2024
HANNEMANN, Anika; FRIEDL, Benjamin; BUCHMANN, Erik. Differentially Private Multi-label Learning Is Harder Than You'd Think.
In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), 2024
BUCHMANN, Erik; ANKE, Jürgen: Privacy Patterns in Business Processes. In: Zum Stand, den
Herausforderungen und Impulsen des Geschäftsprozessmanagements (ZuGPM'17), 2017
MERRILL, Shawn; BASALP, Nilgün; BISKUP, Joachim; BUCHMANN, Erik; CLIFTON, Chris; KUIJPERS, Bart;
OTHMAN, Walied; SAVAS, Erkay: Privacy through Uncertainty in Location-Based Services. In: Proceedings of
the International Workshop on Privacy and Security for Moving Objects (PriSMO’13), 2013
HEIDINGER, Clemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Collaborative Data Privacy for the Web. In:
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society
(PAIS’10), 2010
BURGHARDT, Thorben; WALTER, Andreas; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: PRIMO - Towards Privacy Aware
Image Sharing. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Collective Intelligence in Semantic Web and Social
Networks (CISWSN’08), 2008
STERN, Mirco; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Where in the Sensor Network Should the Join Be
Computed, After All? In: Proceedings of the First Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery Workshop
(UKD’08), 2008
BURGHARDT, Thorben; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Why Do Privacy-Enhancement Mechanisms Fail,
After All? In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web 2.0 Trust (W2Trust’08),
SATTLER, Kai-Uwe; RÖSCH, Philipp; WETH, Christan von d.; BUCHMANN, Erik: Best Effort Query
Processing in DHT-based P2P Systems. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Networking
Meets Databases (NetDB’05), 2005
SATTLER, Kai-Uwe; RÖSCH, Philipp; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: A Physical Query Algebra for
DHT-based P2P Systems. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Distributed Data and
Structures (WDAS’04), 2004
BUCHMANN, Erik: Konzeption eines Speichermanagers für leichtgewichtige, mobile DBMS. In:
Tagungsband des 14. GI-Workshops “Grundlagen von Datenbanken” Bd. CS-01-02, 2002
JÜTTNER, Victor; GRIMMER, Martin; BUCHMANN, Erik. ChatIDS: Advancing Explainable Cybersecurity Using Generative AI. (To Appear) In: International Journal On Advances in Security, v 17 n 1&2, 2024
BUCHMANN, Erik; EICHHORN, Susanne: Wie verständlich ist das Standard-Datenschutzmodell? In:
<kes> Die Zeitschrift für Informationssicherheit, 2020
BUCHMANN, Erik; EICHHORN, Susanne: Eine Momentaufnahme beim Auskunftsersuchen. In: Datenschutz und
Datensicherheit (DuD), 2019
EFROS, Pavel; BUCHMANN, Erik; ENGLHARDT, Adrian; BÖHM, Klemens: How to Quantify the Impact of
Lossy Transformations on Event Detection. In: Big Data Research, 2017
HOLMIG, Gregor; HORNE, Matthias; LEIMKÜHLER, Simon; SCHÖLL, Frederik; STRUNK, Carsten;
ENGLHARDT, Adrian; EFROS, Pavel; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: An Evaluation of Combinations of Lossy
Compression and Change-Detection Approaches for Time-Series Data In: Information Systems, 2017
BUCHMANN, Erik; Wie kann man Privatheit messen? In: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD),
LAFORET, Fabian; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Individual Privacy Constraints on Time-Series
Data. In: Information Systems (IS), 2015
BUCHMANN, Erik; BRADLEY, Patrick Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Deriving Bounds on the Size of Spatial
Areas. In: Open Journal of Databases (OJDB) 2(1), 2015
KESSLER, Stephan; BUCHMANN, Erik; BURGHARDT, Thorben; BÖHM, Klemens: Pattern-sensitive Time-series
Anonymization and its Application to Energy-Consumption Data. In: Open Journal of Information Systems
(OJIS) 1(1), 2014
BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens; BURGHARDT, Thorben; KESSLER, Stephan: Re-Identification of Smart
Meter Data. In: International Journal on Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC), 17(4), 2013
BUCHMANN, Erik: Anonymitätsmaße für Personendaten. In: Zeitschrift für
Datenrecht und Informationssicherheit 11(4), 2011
ORWAT, Carsten u. a.: Software als Institution und ihre Gestaltbarkeit. In: Informatik-Spektrum,
33(6), 2010
BESTEHORN, Markus; WETH, Christan von d.; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: Fault-tolerant Query
Processing in Structured P2P-Systems. In: Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal (DAPD) 28(1),
Felix: Query Dissemination in Sensor Networks - Predicting Reachability and Energy Consumption. In: Ad
Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, 2009
BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik: Free Riding-Aware Forwarding in Content-Addressable Networks. In:
International Journal on Very Large Data Bases, 2006
APEL, Sven; BUCHMANN, Erik: Biology-Inspired Optimizations of Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks. In:
Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK) Bd. 28(4/05), 2005
ROBAK, Marcin; BUCHMANN, Erik: How to Extract Workflow Privacy Patterns from Legal Documents. In:
Information Technology for Management, 2020
BUCHMANN, Erik: Data Privacy in Novel Ubiquitous Computing Applications. In: Emerging Research
Directions in Computer Science, 2010
BUCHMANN, Erik: Erkennung und Vermeidung von unkooperativem Verhalten in Peer-to-Peer-Datenstrukturen.
In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2006 Bd. D-7, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
BUCHMANN, Erik: Trust Mechanisms and Reputation Systems. In: Algorithms for Sensor and Ad Hoc
Networks Bd. 4621, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2007
BUCHMANN, Erik; TATBUL, Nesime; NASCIMENTO, Mario A.: Query Processing in Sensor Networks. In:
Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal 29(1-2), 2011
HARA, Takahiro; ZADOROZHNY, Vladimir; BUCHMANN, Erik: Wireless Sensor Network Technologies for the
Information Explosion Era. Bd. Studies in Computational Intelligence 278. Springer, 2010
HARA, Takahiro; ZADOROZHNY, Vladimir; BUCHMANN, Erik: Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Sensor Network Technologies for Information Explosion Era (SeNTIE’09), 2009
BUCHMANN, Erik; ZADOROZHNY, Vladimir: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Data Intensive
Sensor Networks (DISN’07). IEEE, 2007
FREIBERGER, Vincent; BUCHMANN, Erik. Legally Binding but Unfair? Towards Assessing Fairness of Privacy Policies.
In: arXiv.2403.08115, 2024
HANNEMANN, Anika; EWALD, Jan; SEEGER, Leo; BUCHMANN, Erik. Federated Learning on Transcriptomic Data: Model Quality and Performance Trade-Offs.
In: arXiv:2402.14527, 2024
FREIBERGER, Vincent; BUCHMANN, Erik. Fairness Certification for Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models.
In: arXiv.2401.01262, 2024
HAAR, Christoph; BUCHMANN, Erik: IT-Grundschutz für die Container-Virtualisierung mit dem neuen
BSI-Baustein SYS 1.6. Bericht, Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig, 2019. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-330995
BUCHMANN, Erik: Intelligente Schwarmsteuerung von Energieverbrauchern und -erzeugern in einem
Microgrid. Gebrauchsmuster, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Veröffentlichungsnummer
DE202016001115U1, 2016
BUCHMANN, Erik: Privacy-Aware and Reliable Sensor-Data Management. Habilitation, Fakultät
für Informatik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 2016}
EFROS, Pavel; BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: FRESCO: A Framework for the Energy Estimation of
Computers (Extended Version). In: Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics 2014, 4 ISSN: 2190-4782,
HEIDINGER, Clemens; BÖHM, Klemens; BUCHMANN, Erik; RICHTER, Kai: FACTS: A Framework for Anonymity
towards Comparability, Transparency, and Sharing (Extended Version). In: Karlsruhe Reports in
Informatics 2013, 13 ISSN: 2190-4782, 2013
BASALP, Nilgün; BISKUP, Joachim; BUCHMANN, Erik; CLIFTON, Chris; KUIJPERS, Bart; OTHMAN, Walied;
SAVAS, Erkay: Privacy through Uncertainty in Location-Based Services. In: Mobility Data Mining and
Privacy, Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 12331, 2012
BUCHMANN, Erik; BÖHM, Klemens: How Much do Digital Natives Disclose on the Internet - A Privacy
Study. In: Karlsruhe Reports in Informatics 2012, 15 ISSN: 2190-4782, 2012
BUCHMANN, Erik: Erkennung und Vermeidung von unkooperativem Verhalten in Peer-to-Peer-Datenstrukturen.
In: Dissertationsschrift, Fakultät für Informatik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität
Magdeburg, 2006
BUCHMANN, Erik: Konzeption und Implementierung eines Speichermanagers für ein konfigurierbares,
leichtgewichtiges DBMS. Diplomarbeit, Februar 2002
Best Paper Award, 12th International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments (WEB'24), March 2024. Awarded paper: "Transparency in Privacy Policies."
Best Paper Award, 17th Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE'23), September 2023. Awarded paper: "ChatIDS: Explainable Cybersecurity Using Generative AI."
Best Paper Award, 17th International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS'23), April 2023. Awarded paper: "Long-Term Risks of IoT Devices: The Case of the Smart Fridge"
Best Paper Award, 7th International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communications and Services, May 2022. Awarded paper: "IoT Security: A Basic IoT Hardware Security Framework"
Faculty award for the best elective computer-science lecture of the faculty of computer science at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, summer term 2019. Lecture: "Datenschutz von Anonymisierung bis Zugriffskontrolle"
Best Paper Award, 7th International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies, May 2017. Awarded paper: "SEAM: Swarm Algorithms for Energy Allocation in Microgrids"
Multidisciplinary Privacy Award of the 5th International Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data
Protection (CPDP'12) at the European Privacy Day, Brussels (Belgium), Januar 2012. Awarded paper:
"Tackling Compliance Deficits of Data-Protection Law with User Collaboration"
Dissertation award of the faculty of computer science, University of Magdeburg, 2006
Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA): 2011-2012
Advances in Computation, Communications and Services (ACCSE): 2023
Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA): 2015-2020
Conference on E-Business (ICE-B): 2009-2010
Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (ENERGY): 2017-2019
Conference on Renewable Energy (ICREN): 2018
Data Analytics (DA): 2012-2016
Databases, Knowledge, and Data App. (DBKDA): 2015-2020
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK): 2009-2016
Datenbanken für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW): 2011-2017
European Conference on Information System (ECIS): 2015
Extending Database Technology (EDBT): 2013
GI Sicherheit: 2019-2022
International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS): 2024
International Conference on Systems (ICONS): 2023-2024
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD): 2010
Mobile Data Management (MDM): 2007-2016
Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE): 2021-2022
Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM): 2014-2021
Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS): 2012-2018
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM): 2011
Social Eco-Informatics (SOTICS): 2011-2016
Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society: 2012
Trust, Security and Privacy (TrustCom): 2011-2020
Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMM): 2010-2022
Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM): 2009
Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI): 2018-2020
Data Management for Information Explosion in Wireless Networks (DMIEW): 2009-2010
Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN): 2010
Data Management for Wireless and Pervasive Communications (DMWPC): 2012
Grundlagen von Datenbanken (GvD): 2011-2024
Role of Services, Ontologies, and Context in Mobile Environments (RoSOC-M): 2008-2010
Sensor Network Technologies for the Information Explosion Era (SeNTIE): 2008
Workshop Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in sicherheitskritischen Systemen (MuC): 2024
Workshop on Energy Data and Analytics (EDA): 2019-2024
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)
Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN)
Applied Sciences - Open Access Journal
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (TSP)
MDPI Electronics
MDPI Information
SENSORS Open Access Journal
The Computer Journal
Transactions on Large-scale Data- and Knowledge Centered Systems (TLDKS)
Data Intensive Sensor Networks: 2007
Net.Law.S - Digitalisierung im Spannungsfeld von Recht und Gesellschaft: 2019
Sensor Network Technologies for Information Explosion Era: 2009, 2010
Digitalisierungsdialog: "Digitale Praktika am Beispiel der Cybersecurity", Leipzig, 2023
Networking Session: "Privacy-Preserving ML & Data Analysis", AI All Hands Meeting & AI Symposium, Berlin, 2023
Panel "AI-driven Computation and Data Analytics", DATA ANALYTICS, Porto, 2023
Panel "Sensors and Sensing in the AI Era", UBICOMM, Porto, 2023
Tag der Lehre: "Wie gut löst ChatGPT Klausuraufgaben?", Leipzig, 2023
Keynote SENSORCOMM'21: "Tackling Privacy and Security Issues of Smart Home Devices?", Athens, 2021
Hobbies and Private Interests
I am really into bicycle travel. I am referring to real trips in high mountains, and without engines, support
cars or luggage service ;-) This is how i got my travel bike. The following list leads to some pictures and travel reports, mostly in German. If you like to read the texts,
Translate does quite a good job.